Hello, I’m Charlotte! I’m a freelance illustrator based in Birmingham, England.

I can often be found illustrating exciting fiction or educational briefs - with colourful characters, interactive themes and playful narratives. I love to use a combination of traditional and digital methods to create my work, and the more fun a brief - the better!

I also love to organise events, and in 2023 - I set up my own brand ‘Once In A Blue Moon Markets’, which I use to hold small art and maker fairs around Birmingham!

I graduated from Birmingham City University in 2021 with a First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Illustration, and I was happy to be one of their Artist’s in Residence for the academic year after.

I’ve been fortunate enough to work with clients such as Tiny Trees Children’s Publishing, The University of Birmingham, The Birmingham Repertory Theatre, St Phillip’s Cathedral, Little Earthquake and Birmingham City University.

For commissions and collaborations, please get in touch and say hi!

You can email me at: jenkoandco1@outlook.com

Feel free to follow me @jenkoandco on Instagram and Twitter to find out what I'm up to!